Thursday 5 February 2015


So I woke up one beautiful day craving something sweet but totally guilt free because I wasn't in the mood For any excess calories. Luckily I stumbled upon this very simple recipe and it was the perfect cure for my cravings. The best part is, it's low on calories. It's even a great meal  substitute. So if you've been bit the 'Fit Fam' bug, then this is perfect for you.

Prep time: 3 minutes
Cooking time: 0
Level: Super easy
Serves: 2


- 4 large Frozen bananas
- 3 tablespoons Unsweetened cocoa powder
- 3 tablespoons maple syrup
- 2 heaped tablespoons peanut butter
- 1 cup of milk(skimmed or whole)


1. Chop the bananas and place in a blender jug (Tip: Make sure the bananas are Frozen because the ice will help it blend to a smooth consistency).

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend For 1 minute or until the mixture is smooth and thick. Pour into a two cold glasses and enjoy. IF you want to make it a little more interesting for kids, just add a scoop of ice cream to float on the shake. Now how easy was that??

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