Monday 20 April 2015

Moroccan Goat curry and Flat bread

I was on a chicken diet for a while, not like I had anything against beef and it's grass eating relations, but every where I turned there was chicken and I had to eat it. So on this day, I realised that I had had enough of the chicken jamboree. I was beginning to see chickens in my dream, chasing me with brooms and pitch forks, clucking after me. At this point, i knew it was time to give the chicken diet a rest, and God heard my prayers because the moment I made the decision, I stumbled on a wonderful recipe. I admit the recipe wasn't originally mine, it belongs to a lovely foodie called Lohis creation. I only tweaked it a bit to suit my taste and I decided to call mine, Moroccan Goat curry, because it reminds me of lamb tagine which happens to be a moroccan food. So this is the recipe and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Prep time: 20 mins  
Cook time: 45 mins
Serves: 4
Level: Easy

- 1/2 kilo ( ask your butcher for male goat. The meat takes longer to cook but it is tastier than the alternative)
- 3 Fresh pepper/scotch bonnet/ata rodo (chopped)
- 1 can coconut milk
- 2 tablespoons curry powder
- 1 tablespoon Thai green curry paste
- 1 medium onion (chopped)
- 1 cooking spoon vegetable oil
- 2 garlic (minced)
- 1/2 tablespoon All-spice
- 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- Salt, to taste

For flat bread,
-2 cups All purpose flour or plain flour
-1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup of  milk (to be added gradually)
-1/2 teaspoon baking powder


1. Chop the goat meat into smaller bite size pieces. Place meat in a bowl and season with salt , all-spice and black pepper. Set aside to marinade for 20 mins.

2. In a wide pot, place oil and allow to heat up a bit. Add 1 tablespoon curry powder, and curry paste and stir, make sure curry paste dissolves in oil. When the onions have cooked a bit, add the seasoned meat and stir fry till it begins to brown and the curry gets a bit darker. Use a perforated spoon to remove the meat from the oil and place in a separate plate.

3. Add the pepper, onions and garlic to the oil and stir fry till they're cooked, be careful so it doesn't burn. Add the the remaining curry and cook for about 2 mins. Add the meat and then the coconut milk and stir. Cover the pot and cook on low heat for 40 mins. Low and slow cooking always produce great results.

For the flat bread,
4. In a bowl place the flour, baking powder and salt. Mix well to incorporate.  Make a well in the middle, add vegetable oil and begin adding milk a little at a time while mixing with your hands at each interval. When the dough becomes  sticky and stretchy, stop adding milk. Sprinkle a little flour on your work surface, turn dough onto work surface and begin to knead dough. Continue doing this for about 2 mins or until dough comes together to  form a smooth round ball.

5. Shape dough into individual golf size balls and place in plate. Cover with a damp kitchen towel and allow balls to rest for 20 mins.

6. Set a wide pan or cast iron skillet over heat. While pan  heats up, use a rolling pin to roll out each ball into a thin flat shape, like a saucer. Place the rolled out dough in the hot pan. You'll notice that it will begin to puff up, use a fork or toothpick to puncture the air pockets and let out steam. Cook on each side for 1 minute or until the surface facing the pan begins to get brown patches. Be careful not to burn. Continue this process for each ball. After each flat bread is cooked, stack them on top of each other in a foil wrap and loosely seal the open end of the wrap, to keep them warm.

7. Serve with goat curry and enjoy!!

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