Wednesday 2 October 2013

Boiled yam with peppered stock fish in soy sauce

I woke up one morning with a hankering for stock fish, weird right? Anyway I tried eating other things hoping to satisfy my craving but the stock fish craving wouldn't burge. So I decided that if I was going to eat stock fish, I might as well prepare it in a fun way. So I start racking my brain trying to think of a way to turn this hard, funny smelling fish into a fun meal and so I remembered my big sister once preapared this mind blowing stock fish sauce for me but for the life of me, I couldn't remember the recipe, all I could remember was that the recipe had some onions and stock fish in it. So I decided to create my own recipe with the little I could remember and voila, it turned out great. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Cooking Time : 1 hr
Servings: 2
Difficulty: Super easy


Yam ( quarter of a medium sized tuber)


Stock fish (the body)

Onions (1 bulb)

Garlic (2 cloves)

Fresh pepper/Scotch bonnet (4 bulbs or as many as your taste buds agree with)

Green chili

Soy sauce (1 tablespoon)


Salt ( to taste)

Vegetable oil (1 cooking spoon)


Wash the stock fish pieces and put in a pot with enough water to cover it. Salt the water and add some curry. Cook till the stock fish is soft enough to chew without developing a migrain in the process.
Cut and peel the yam, slice into as many pieces as desired, boil in a pot of salted water.
Chop the onions, garlic and peppers. Put the vegetable oil in a sauce and heat just enough to make the onions sizzle. First add the onions and garlic, allow them to cook till they are translucent.  Add the peppers and stir fry, season with a little salt  and curry ( TIP: be careful not to over salt since the stock fish wash already cooked with salt and soy sauce  also contains salt). After  stir frying the onions and peppers for about 5 minutes, add the stock fish. Since the stock fish is cooked and soft, it will be easy to use a wooden spoon to break large chunks into smaller pieces. Add the soy sauce, cover it up and leave to cook for 5 mins.
Serve with boiled yam or rice or whatever your adventurous heart desires.

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